Sunday, November 28, 2010

Manguni Terrace Resort, Tanawangko, Manado,INDONESIA

1st collector for Manguni Terrace Resort, Tanawangko, Manado,INDO...
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This is our place in Manado. The video shows the visit of Thomas, my nephew and Meity, my the Manguni Terrace Resort.

Manguni Terrace Resort, Tanawangko, Manado,INDONESIA

1st collector for Manguni Terrace Resort, Tanawangko, Manado,INDO...
Follow my videos on vodpod

This is our place in Manado. The video shows the visit of Thomas, my nephew and Meity, my the Manguni Terrace Resort.

Manguni Terrace Resort, Tanawangko, Manado,INDONESIA

Manguni Terrace Resort, Tanawangko, Manado,INDO..., posted with vodpod